Presenting Contiguous National Data
US Land Grid is proud to introduce contiguous national data sets designed specifically for enterprise environments. Delivered in as many formats as you need for your users, our enterprise data provides highly accurate spatial data that meets or exceeds oil and gas industry standards.
Our experienced GIS technicians regularly migrate companies who have valuable internal GIS data from legacy land grid systems to US Land Grid’s accurate and more complete data sets.
Including ALL the layers
Our land grid is contiguous across the continental United States, and includes the complete picture of layers from lots, quarters, townships and sections through to abstracts, surveys and blocks.
Updated regularly and delivered in multiple formats of your choice for multiple mapping systems including file formats such as Esri FGDB, WMS, WFS, Shapefiles, CDF file, ASCII Digitizer files, DXF and KML files.
Highly accurate vector data that meets or exceeds industry standards of 1:24k scale.
Experienced technicians who will migrate your current land grid and your associated layers to ours.
Enterprise Land Grid Data Details:
- Cost: $15,000 – includes 33 states and multiple formats for your different applications
- Choose as many formats as needed
- Delivered in LL/NAD27 and LL/NAD83 by the county and state
- No contracts or yearly fees – one time cost
- Optional maintenance (quarterly updates) = $5,000 per year
Streaming Land Grid Data Details (no vector data delivered):
- Cost: $5,000 per year – WMS and/or WFS land grid streaming service
- Native data stream of WGS84
- No vector data
The most up-to-date and the most ACCURATE
Culture data is one of those things that complements and informs from your map. Our culture data includes over 25 layers in most areas and is based on the most accurate and up-to-date 2013 Tiger data.
Updated yearly and delivered in multiple formats of your choosing.
Seamless and contiguous across the continental United States.
Enterprise Culture Data Details:
- Cost: $15,000
- Choose as many formats as needed
- Delivered in LL/NAD27 and LL/NAD83 by the county and the state
- No contracts or yearly fees – one time cost
Streaming Land Grid Data Details (no vector data delivered):
- Cost: $5,000 per year – WMS and/or WFS culture streaming service
- Get rid of labeling issues
- Native data stream of WGS84
- No vector data
Updated Regularly and Consistently Expanding
We have one of the largest online data sets of surface ownership/tax parcels that is updated regularly and conforms to a consistent data model.
A robust vector based surface ownership data library.
Sourced from individual county assessors offices and rectified to aerial photography.
Enterprise Surface Ownership Data Details:
- Cost: $20,000 (over 400 counties of up-to-date tax parcels)
- Choose as many formats as needed
- Delivered in LL/NAD27 and LL/NAD83
- No contracts or yearly fees
Certain sections of USWells is currently still under construction, with our oil and gas wells in many of our states still being completed. For those states, we have released our FREE well spot data while we collect the complete header and other information for all the states.
On a side note… we are surprised you read this far! Thank you.
We’re sorry the wells are taking so long. Please enjoy our prototypes while we get things situated on our end.
If you have any questions – please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
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