Articles by David Jones

Tax Parcel Dataset has a tax parcel database that includes all the major attributes including PID, owner name, mailing address, physical address, market value, tax zone, and many other attributes. They @USLandGrid now have over 3,000 counties of tax parcel data across the United States.

The Best Desktop GIS Software of 2016

Considerations A Geographic Information System (GIS) stores, manages, retrieves, displays, and analyzes spatial data. Desktop GIS software gives you the ability to produce maps from…

A Sneak Peak into Global Mapper v.18

Thursday marked the 29th meeting of the 7+ year Denver Petroleum User Group (DPUG). With this historic achievement of being the longest standing regional petroleum…

The Denver Petroleum User Group

The Denver Petroleum User Group has an upcoming meeting this Thursday, August 11th at 3pm. The meeting will be held at Noble Energy, 1625 Broadway, Denver…

Making Sense of Well Data

Have you ever noticed how well data can vary greatly from state to state, and vendor to vendor? Apart from having inconsistencies in attribute data,…

Summer NAPE – Let the Deals Begin

NAPE is the oil and gas industry’s marketplace for buying, selling and trading prospects. It brings together oil and gas professionals with the purpose of meeting,…