ESRI has a new data model that was released in October 2014, the Utility Pipeline Data Model, an “out of the box” data modeling solution for pipeline asset management. This model has been quite a while in the making. ESRI started the process in 2009 and realized they had a lot to learn so started talking to business partners to better understand the needs and gaps in their present systems. After five years in development, the UPDM was released with at least 1,043 unique downloads.
What is UPDM? The data model is a pre-configured geodatabase for ArcGIS, providing a sample schema in an XML file for direct import to a stand-alone database or distributed over a server to all your desktop clients, no UML required. UPDM provides a base schema that clients can build on to create multiple representations of the data. Why UPDM? ESRI created UPDM to establish a best practice for geodatabases, choosing what they see as the best way to organize the data. Instead this is a comprehensive “model to manage all streams of industry in one database. It is a vertical integration approach from wellhead to meter” as the creator Tom DeWitte explains. How does UPDM work? UPDM was designed as an additive model, which means it is constantly being updated to include contributions to meet the needs of clients.
According to Tom the model has received positive feedback from both Operators and Vendors; especially among the business partner community. Since its release, it is becoming an established model for all Oil and Gas solutions. UPDM strives to achieve a single system of record in a representation, which has an improved scalability for seeing all information associated with an asset. It also includes tools for Leak Survey, Facility Management templates to rapidly and more cost effectively enables customers to be more agile.
With so many models out there it can be hard to make a decision with certainty that it will be able to fulfill all the business requirements of the new vertical markets. So what are the primary differences as seen by Esri and why did they feel a need to create UPDM? The three main models practiced today are the Pipeline Open Data Standards (PODS), which is a model designed to organize pipeline assets and management regardless of the system in which they live, ArcGIS Pipeline Data Model (APDM) which is primarily designed for Transmission assets, and now UPDM which touts as a comprehensive data model for a vertically integrated company. The benefit Tom explains is that now the need for complicated and costly solutions for integration is no longer needed. UPDM can operate completely “out of the box”.
If you are looking for a complete OOTB vertical systems solution for your O&G Company the UPDM model is worth taking a look at. With its scalability and ease of use this could be a valuable FME tool for your data for easy integration and use inside the ESRI suite of products. You can find out more here:
UPDM – The Out of the Box Solution?

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